At last nights West Yorkshire Scouts AGM, two Adult members were presented with adult good service awards.

Jayne Terry (Spen Valley Appointments Committee Chair) was presented with her award for merit for outstanding service to Scouting in Spen Valley and Michael Holroyd (11th SV GSL & ADC Squirrels) was presented with his Bar to the Award of Merit.

The Award of Merit is awarded for outstanding service. It implies keen, conscientious, imaginative and dedicated service over a sustained period, of at least 12 years duration. The Bar to the Award of Merit is awarded after at least five years of further outstanding service after receiving the Award for Merit.

Congratulations to both Jayne and Michael on their awards from everyone involved in Scouting here in Spen Valley.

The post Adult Awards September 2022 first appeared on Spen Valley Scouts – Do more. Learn more. Be more!.